
Monday 10 November 2014


Bullying is really important to stop. It can make people feel hurt, scared, lonely, embarrassed and sad. Bullies might hit, kick, pouch to hurt people. Bullies might even call them names and scared them away.

Bullying is a big problem:
Bullying is a big problem that affects lot of people. Most people skip school because of bullying. Bullies will make people feel really uncomfortable. The stress dealing with bullies can make kids sick. Kids sometimes skip school, so they don’t have to be dealing with bullies. Some people drop out of school because their feelings are hurt.

Why do people bully?
Bullies do what they do to impress their friends. It makes them feel better, cooler and stronger. Bullies bully because they have more power to pick on people. Most people bullies because they might have problems at home, Then they take their to other people. Some kids learned bullying for others.

Who do bullies easily get pick on?
Some people in the world easily gets pick on. People may be get pick on because of their size. Too big, too thin, too short or too tall. Also about peoples skin colour. Bullies always pick on people who have no friends.

What to do if you get bullied?
Coping with bullies can be difficult. First, people should understand that they are not the problem. The bullies are the problem.

Tips for what to do if you get bullied?
1. Tell an adult or teacher about your problems.
2. Tell your friends to tell your adult or teacher.
3. Use your WITS, it means
  W - Walk away
   I - Ignore it
   T - Talk about it
   S - Seek out
Make bullying stop!
What do people think about bullying. Well first of all, everyone in the world should communicate with each other to make bulling stop!

So people STOP THE BULL!

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